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The various uses of the rain water will determine what type of treatment process will be required. The use of certain pre-treatment equipment is usually necessary regardless of what the rainwater will be used for. Pre-filter treatment systems are usually required to help maintain and reduce maintenance requirements of rainwater harvesting systems.


Post treatment is usually only required if the rainwater is to be used by unique equipment or for special purposes. Equipment such as drip irrigation requires the rainwater to be subject to very fine filtering otherwise clogging will occur within the system. Potable water would require the rainwater to be disinfected before it is used. The method of disinfection would also depend on the level of quality the end user requires and their available budget that they would be willing to spend. The different sources of pollution would also need to be analysed to determine if special treatment methods would be required due to the pollutants that may be present on the runoff surface.


Pre and Post Treatment

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